Arnakot and Upper-Bengri are both located in a rural mountain area in Nepal. The communties have to rely onto three water taps which rarely provides water. Two times a day they have to walk around 2,5 hours in general to fill their buckets with water.
This “drinking water- and sanitation project” will make some change in that situation. A new water supply system, including toilets, will be constructed in the period from March 2011 until March 2013. A total of 19 km of pipes and 41 taps will result into the change of easy accessible and healthy drinking water. At the same time also the 176 toilets will be constructed.
175 households with a total of approx. 1500 people. The system has been engineered for a population grow of 1,46% over the next coming 20 years.
Arnakot en Upper Bengri, Nepal
Start date: End date:
01-03-2011 31-07-2013
Partners & sponsors
Unica Foundation
Unica Groep
Grundfos Nederland
Waterschap Groot Salland
Rotary Zwolle – IJsseland
Stichting Veilig Drinkwater