Dhakdhai is a small village that is seven kilometres far from Bhairahawa. Health hazard here in this locality is so high that the government-run primary health centre is insufficient to cater all the patients. In addition, the health services in the bigger town like, Bhairahawa is quite expensive that everyone can’t afford.
Grace Health Clinic (GHC) was started its service from August 2015 in a rented place there in Dhakdhai. They charge nominal fees and provide services to villagers. As the load shedding is a severe problem throughout Nepal, GHC also faced such challenge and couldn’t run its services smoothly. Thus GHC, in coordination with their Dutch partner – STICHTING GRACE FOR VICTIM CHILDREN, came to Unica with a request if we could install a solar PV system as an alternative of the load shedding. Looking at the urgency and need, Unica decided to support with the solar PV and assigned SunShine Energy to undertake the task. The project has successfully completed now and the management of GHC are quite happy as they can run the services anytime. (see the appreciation le tter from the director of GHC)