A study suggests that 83% Nepalese live in rural areas. Out of that 75% use wood as fuel for cooking. And, about 80% from those are affected by household air population. World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that household air pollution causes non-communicable diseases including stroke, ischemic heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer.
Open fire for cooking is one of the main sources of household air pollution. It has caused many health issues, especially for women who mostly spend time in the Kitchen in Nepal.
In addition, excessive uses of firewood would invite environmental degradation and many natural calamities. So, Unica has been working together with the NRCS Kaski to implement Metallic Improved Cooking Stove (MICS) project in the hilly villages since 2011. And, Tamu is the fourteenth village we are working on.
Lesser use of firewood and no smoke inside the house are the main characteristics of the MICS. As the firewood is getting expensive, this project is effective financially as well. The villagers get awareness training on how to use the oven and how to clean chimney periodically. There is a user’s committee formed locally to coordinate with all household in this matter. At the end, all users get a MICS installed in their house.
Tamu village is located in a hilly region of Kaski district, quite remote from the hub of Pokhara. There is a mixed demography of Dalits Janajatis and Brahmin/Kshetri in this village.
32 households (146 population: 68 Female, 78 Male)
Annapurna Rural Municipality, Ward no – 8, Kaski
Start date: End date:
01-09-2018 28-02-2019
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CFP Green Buildings