In many developing countries people cook inside the house on open fire. Due to the smoke produced without a good chimney, risks increase. For example the degree in which one can manage the uncontrollable fire, especially in combination with children in the house, and the chances for health issues increases.

By constructing an Improved Cooking Stove these risks can be decreased. Due to this system, there is no need anymore for a person to be in direct contact with the fire and the smoke produced by the fire will be directed towards outside the house. This also improves the combustion of the wood so less is needed. Therefore one can safe time and the environment by cutting less wood.

To build the components needed for the construction of the stove, two simple moulds are used. One of them has the shape of a brick and the other one of a square stone with a round hole in the middle. Further, only six baskets of clay, a bit of water and a binder (such as natural fibres like hairs from a goat is needed. A specially trained local person can build the stove from the stones constructed with the moulds. The sizes of the holes needed to cook on will be adjusted to the sizes of the pots and pans used so that smoke and fire cannot enter the room.

Other techniques



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Solar power
